
Break up day for SCILD: 23rd September 2015

Note about food: Food plays a huge part in the management of learning difficulties. We’ve noticed that many of our kids are bringing unhealthy lunchboxes to school. We at SCILD firmly believe that in keeping with a holistic plan to help your children, food forms part of that plan. If your child is eating too much sugar, white carbohydrates, too many preservatives or simply junk food, they will not be physically and mentally prepared for optimal learning. Added to this problem is the issue of the tuckshop. Some children often bring money instead of a lunchbox, or they bring money on top of their lunchbox. Kids will most often buy unhealthy food from the tuckshop. So it is much better to take the time to prepare a healthy lunchbox and save on the tuckshop money. Please note that fizzy drinks are strictly forbidden at SCILD.

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